U.S. Sales and Utilization Report
Date: 2019
Topic: Market Insights
This report highlights the total U.S. Potato Utilization in 2019. It shows share of total utilization by product including frozen, fresh, chips, dehydrated, refrigerated, and other. The report also covers sales by product and channel and also compares retail channel sales to foodservice channel sales.
In 2019, domestic potato sales moved further toward foodservice, accounting for 58% of the total volume. Frozen potato sales at foodservice accounted for 85% of all frozen sales. Fresh potatoes sales were divided between retail and foodservice at 52% and 48% respectively. Reflecting the love for fries and the need for convenience, frozen and refrigerated sales were up to both channels. Fresh sales declined only 1% at retail, one of the lowest rates in many years. Chip sales, the largest volume driver at retail, were up 1.1% but did see a 1.6% decline at foodservice.
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