Assessment FAQ
Who pays the assessments?
The grower ultimately pays the assessments on his or her own crop. The first handler is required to remit the money to Potatoes USA, but they are allowed to deduct those funds from the grower.
Am I required to pay assessments on potatoes I import into the United States?
Yes, potatoes imported into the United States for the use of human consumption are assessed at the current rate of $0.03 per hundredweight.
Where does the money go?
Potatoes USA uses assessment funds to support each of its strategically directed programs, all designed to increase potato consumption. Please read more about our programs throughout this website or call our office at (303) 369-7783.
Who has to report?
Those defined as “first handlers.” If you sort, wash, grade or pack your own potatoes or those you receive in bulk from others; ship potatoes of your own or others and receive payment for those potato products; or process potatoes into potato products, purchase potatoes directly from a producer/grower, and cause those potatoes to enter the channels of commerce for human consumption, then you are the first handler and responsible for remitting assessments. For further clarification, refer to Sec. 1207.512 of The Plan, Rules and Regulations of the National Potato Promotion Board.
Are culls, eliminators and processed grade potatoes assessable?
All potatoes sold to a processor, or dehydrator for the ultimate purpose of human consumption, are assessable. If the primary purpose of the lot is for human consumption, seed or any unspecified purpose, then the entire lot is assessable.
What information should be included on my report form?
You should include: Your own production cwt. (entered in Section 1 of the reporting form). Names and addresses of the growers you purchased potatoes from (their cwt also entered in Section 1). Names and addresses of any handlers that you purchased potatoes from. (A handler would have already washed, graded, packed or processed potatoes before selling them to you.*) The cwt from these sources should be listed in Section 2 of the reporting form.
What if I choose to pay assessments on the bulk loads I ship to a processor or packer?
As a packer, you should state somewhere on your reporting form that the amounts reported include potatoes sold to processors in bulk form (processed grade, eliminators, culls). This is extremely important for our cross-referencing system. If you are a grower and you wish to report on your own behalf, simply include those cwt in the number reported as your own production in section 1.
When are the assessments due?
Based on the time you pay your supplier/grower, assessments should be paid to the Board by the 10th of the month following the month in which the transaction (or handling) occurred. Therefore, potatoes bought and handled in June should be reported and assessments paid no later than July 10.
What if I don’t handle any potatoes in a given month? Do I still have to file a report?
Yes, you should still submit a report stating that no handling occurred during that month. If you are a seasonal handler, you may indicate on your last report of the operating season “Final report until…” Please let us know when you will begin moving potatoes again. If your operation is limited to only a few months a year, talk to us. We may be able to set you up on a yearly or quarterly system.
* Please don’t assume assessments have been remitted on your behalf. For your own protection, call Potatoes USA at (303) 369-7783 to verify assessments have been received by Potatoes USA.