NPPGA fuels runners with potato chips at multiple events

The Northern Plains Potato Growers Association (NPPGA) has a remarkable history of promoting the performance benefits of potatoes at its local events. With COVID-19 restrictions putting a pause on the ability to attend live events, the organization is thrilled to be back in action. In the span of a month, NPPGA sponsored a booth at two events: the Summer Sole 5K in Grand Forks, ND, and at the Fargo Marathon in Fargo, ND. During both events, NPPGA utilized Potatoes USA’s potato performance branded materials at their booth to grab people’s attention and help amplify the performance messaging. Additionally, the organization handed out thousands of potato chip bags to participants after the race to help replenish their bodies’ carbs, potassium, and salt. This paired perfectly with the potato chip fact cards NPPGA handed out as well.
To learn more about the available materials to help promote potato performance at events, please reach out to or check out the “What Are You Eating?” Campaign toolkit!